Saturday, May 18, 2019

Arriving in French Polynesia

The wind dropped off as we glided into the Marqueses Islands.  A massive steep mountain towered up into the clouds, almost vertically from the sea.  Lush forest gripped to it's many peaks and ridge lines, creating a pristine scene.  At it's base, a cluster of small houses and shops were situated.  In a bay close by a small community of yachts were anchored.
After nineteen days at sea from the Galapagos Islands it was a beautiful sight.  Logan and I jumped and ran as soon as our feet touched the ground.  We raced past star fruit trees and mangoes, grabbing fruit that were on the ground and biting into them.
We reached the town fifteen minutes later to find two small grocery shops packed full of everything from machetes
, to apples and amazing grapefruit as big as your head that you needed a machet
e to cut up!